This is how babies go missing, they get lost in their dad's hair. On the other hand, Lucas really likes his dad's hair. He is always grabbing at it, staring and laughing at it as well. I think Lucas thinks that my hair has a life of it's own and it probably does when I do not wash it for a long time.

Here is Hot Mama ever so slightly and lovingly, kissing her oh so cute son on his adorable cue ball head. One of the things I like about this picture is the little bit of tummy you are able to see on Lucas. His little belly breaks right through and says "Hello" in this photo. However, I love to see a mother's heartfelt embrace to their son, especially my awesome son.
Here is my son Lucas in his car seat lookin fresh and cool with his plaid hat jetting backwards like a cool cucumber. What a precious face he has, but let us not forget Lucas's bouncing bare feet. I think that Lucas likes to show his feet off because of the immense bouncing and jumping that he takes part in. It's like he is saying..."Hey man, look! These are just regular feet with no hidden springs or contraptions. My bouncing in all natural!"
Now this one is in the set of one of my most favorite pictures that I took on my phone of Lucas. I absolutely love the tie on the semi-naked baby. It just goes, you know? And then you have to take into consideration that pugnacious look he has. That is good stuff if you ask me. Anyways, these photos were all taken on my phone and this one is probably a month and a half old. I finally uploaded them to my computer so I hope you enjoyed them. I know I did.
Shalom for now....
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