I am certain that one of the most ignorant, ludicrous and outright horrible songs made in the last couple years is a song I happen to listen too on my
This is asubmission from my mobile phone. How cool is that?! You can call me Willy 2.0 as I am the new and updated version of the willy program.
I really cannot believe the inter-networking of everything on the web nowadays. Everything is being connected and if it is not now, it will be very soon or that program or site will be left in the dust. It seems to me like we are on the precipice of something awesome happening in the realm of the web and technology for that matter. Better soak it all up and learn all you can or you will be steps behind when you need to be one ahead.
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This is how babies go missing, they get lost in their dad's hair. On the other hand, Lucas really likes his dad's hair. He is always grabbing at it, staring and laughing at it as well. I think Lucas thinks that my hair has a life of it's own and it probably does when I do not wash it for a long time.
Here is Hot Mama ever so slightly and lovingly, kissing her oh so cute son on his adorable cue ball head. One of the things I like about this picture is the little bit of tummy you are able to see on Lucas. His little belly breaks right through and says "Hello" in this photo. However, I love to see a mother's heartfelt embrace to their son, especially my awesome son.
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