The Amazing Growning Lucas
Hello, I am Lucas and I am saying "That was good, Awwwwww !!", because I just scored some really good food, or some say milk straight from the dairy farm, the milk factory. I like to sleep alot and I really like to grunt to show my man side. Sometimes I have gas that makes me cry and I haven't quite figured out yet how to evacuate this foul air. I do know how to evacuate other things like my food and I do that with much frequency, whenever and wherever I feel like it.

I also like to look like I am in deep thought but really I am trying to figure out how to release this darn gas. But one thing I like are my cute little outfits that mom always puts on me.

One of my favorite things in the world is to sleep, rest, relax or just hang on mom and dad's bed. I really do not care for my bassinet too much because mom and dad's bed is so big, kind of like a big wrestling mat. I like to wake mom and dad up in the middle of the night just because I want some attention or I have something in my diaper or I need some food.
All in all, I really like my life and I am growing and learning new things every day. I will close for now but I will update you all later as to when I learn how to release my gas.
Thanks for reading, the Amazing Growing Lucas
you are very funny husband!
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