Little Bear Sweater Baby
This is my little baby bear sweater boy. This is a priceless shot. I used a little artistic flair to make it a bit more dreamy. Hope it isn't to Avant Garde.
Although, here is another picture with this same bear hoodie sweater that G'Ma Phillips got for Baby Lucas. Notice that darling facial expression that says it all.
Before I go, Here is a video of his first bear hoodie sweater experience. Let me tell you that it was exhilirating for all involved, especially me.
To conclude this Baby Lucas broadcast, I would like to share that this amazing little boy is the tops. Not only do I have my beautiful and magnificent wife to come home to, but I start to be pleasantly marauded with thoughts of excitement about getting to be able to come home to my cute little boy and that I get to just hold him in my arms and stare at him for as long as I would want to. That this little man is born of my flesh and that he will come to call me "Papa." He will look for me to provide for him, to protect him from anything evil or hurtful in anyway towards him; to teach him the ways of God and show him what his true identity is in Him. I will be able to show him how to enter the secret code for 30 lives in the Nintendo game "Contra" of Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start and he will be amazed at how good I am at it. I will be his role model and who he looks to in order to define what an authentic man is and should be. I will be a friend and a listening ear when he needs it and I will always love him no matter what and discipline him with that love even when it is tough, because I love him so much.
Anyhow, mere words cannot describe and give credit to the feelings and thoughts one have towards their children and I presume that there will never be enough words to do so accurately.
Here is one more picture before I say "Q.E.D."

babe you are a great dad, and i love this photo of you two. the two men in my life. i love them so much! you are doing great at your blog, as i am not. you inspire me though!
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