Blogging is Fun, especially when you have something to write about and today I do....
It is amazing that I am now a proud uncle of two beautiful nieces and one just arrived the other day. I can hardly believe that my sister Kamille is a mother twice over. One thing I know is that she has always been the more responsible one out of myself. She married an awesome man and I could not have picked a better guy out myself. He truly is a great guy and I respect him as a husband, father and a man. I want to just celebrate that our family is growing exponentially and will continue to do so in or around January, when my lovely bride delivers forth the first male in our family, and the first male heir to the Soto Kingdom. Not that there is all that much in the Soto Kingdom, it is still quite cool.
So, I now have a brand new baby niece named Cadence Evangelina Scellick and I pray that she captures all that her name means in her life and personality. One thing I pine over is that I am not able to have more of a meaningful and just time worthiness relationship with my nieces and my sister and brother-in-law. I hope that someday we will be closer and our kids will be able to be very close and play with each other and like each other and want to be around each other. I think that would be just about the best thing for me.
On becoming a dad, I still haven't been hit with the whole sack of potatoes. They say it does not hit the male counterpart until that actual delivery of the child and let me tell you that I can barely wait. One thing that is exciting though is that my mother, father and brother will be able to be a big part of my son's life being that they reside in the same city as my wife and I. I look forward to them playing a huge part in the first boy Soto heir!!! Also, as my parents grow older, I appreciate and love them more and more. However, I shudder at the fact that one day they may not be. Cursed be the day!!!
Anyways, I wanted to blog, so I blogged. Good and hard I would say. If anyone actually even reads this other than my wife.
Shalom uv'racha and Baruch ha Shem to all.
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you're so cute... i love you. i too would like to someday be closer to your sister... your page is doing something weird too... fyi. love you monkey head. xoxoxo.
I too hope our children can grow close to one another and we can as well by living close to each other.
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