Willy 2.0

Redeeming the Time for the Days are Evil


The Splendid Sedona

The Splendid Sedona Venture

Come forth and read about the spectacular trip to Sedona that was taken by Adrienne Rose Sotomayor, Cassandra Beth Steele and the one and only "Baby Soto", as the moniker given by Auntie Cassie.
A first and introductory venture was had by Cassie and Lucas to Sedona and it seemed that they both had the most wonderful time enjoying the magnificent scenery that screams the Glory of God, and the air is always clean, fresh and easy on the lungs.
Above are some scenery pictures of Sedona, Arizona; which is actually the residence of the 2008 Republican Candidate for President, John McCain, and as you can see from above, the little eccentric town has much to offer in the way of the Red Rocks, trolleys and a great downtown shopping strip.
Anyways, back to the venture had by my lovely wife shown in the picture below as she is relaxingly holding my sweet and special son, little baby Lucas. I so appreciate this picture because it just shows that connection that my son and wife have. To add upon that, my wife stepped right in on motherhood and has not missed a beat yet. I openly praise her for the awe-inspiring job that she has done, is doing and will continue to do.

Now below are a couple of cuties that are best friends to boot, and aren't they quite photogenic separately and together. Following this blog post, there will be another on the "Magnanimous Foray to Arizona", highlighting the Cassie & Adge hang out days.

Listen up now.........
We have two videos for your viewing pleasures, one of them is produced, narrated, directed, shot by Adrienne and the other with all the same frills by Cassie; who was my beautiful wife's maid of honor in our wedding.
So, I hope you enjoy because I know I did and as always more to come in the...
"Days of Future Past"


Adrienne said...

thank you for this blog. i love how you rejoice in my friendships. you are a great support. thanks for you encouragement. love ya!

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