Willy 2.0

Redeeming the Time for the Days are Evil


Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies - I Believe I Can Fly

Hands down, Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies (by the way, this moniker is an ingenious and witty band name) are the best cover band this planet has ever been privy too. R Kelly couldn't have done a better job with this song?
Enjoy, Cheers and Shalom!!!

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The Beatles - Two of Us

This is one of my favorite Beatles songs more for emotional and temporal reasons but it has an unbelievable rhythm and backbeat. It does what it needs to. Enjoy, Cheers, and Shalom!

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Mute Math - Typical

A great video and song by Mute Math. Saw these guys live and they truly put on one of the best shows I have ever seen in my concert going life. Enjoy, Cheers and Shalom!

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Mute Math - Reset (Live)

The best song that Mute Math does, and it is LIVE!!

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Ben Harper & Jack Johnson - High Tide, Low Tide (Bob Marley cover)

This is a classic song redone by the aforementioned musically excellent. They are genius in this song and just an awesome cover.

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Ben Harper - Steal My Kisses

This is a Ben Harper and the Innocent Criminals song that funkdifies every bone in your being so sit back, and groove to the flowlicious beats of this song.

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The Beatles - Get Back (Live Rooftop)

The Beatles perform a show on the top of the Apple studios. Classic.

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Nickel Creek - Lighthouse

One of my other favorite songs by Nickel Creek called Lighthouse. Enjoy, Cheers and Shalom

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Nickel Creek - The Fox

One of my all-time favorite songs by Nickel Creek even though it is a classic cover. They do it impeccably!!

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A love song I wrote for my lovely bride three years ago while we were engaged.

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You were supposed to pierce my septum!

It looks like this piercing went totally wrong. At the inception, this woman asked for a piercing of the septum but somehow, things got a little out of hand.

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In her place

This is a man who knows what it is to put his woman in his place and not only that but smokin' a fag while having his woman do all the work. It seems like she is more like an indentured servant.

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It is always User Error

Need I say more?!!

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Lucas "Mr. Smiles" Sotomayor

Lucas Smiles & Stares

The 101 Most Useful Websites

This is a link to a Telegraph.uk article that gives you the 101 most useful websites.
I enjoy these type of conglomerations.

Here it be: The 101 Most Useful Websites

Happy web hunting!!!

Posted via email from willypaycheck's posterous

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