Willy 2.0

Redeeming the Time for the Days are Evil


Another Page in the Book of Lucas

Another Page in the Book of Lucas

Look at this baby boy in his cuteriffic beanie. I do not know if it gets much cuter than this but I will try to do so with the the following pictures.
You be the judge?!!

Well, this is Lucas in one of his most favorite chairs in the whole wide world and that is because this special blue chair VIBRATES and plays the corniest kiddie music imaginable. He is always quite content in it and its like a grandfather's Lazy boy.

Here is mom and her happy boy.

Oh my goodness. I cannot get enough of these two special people. Doesn't the little baby boy Lucas look quite comfortable in mom's loving arms?!
Yes, I believe he does.

Now, let us look at a hodge podge of cuter than cute pictures of my baby boy. Just let me tell you that Lucas is still the light of my light, hence his name; the bringer of light.
Here is Lucas in his proud papas arms and then little Lucas is screaming at dad because he says it is baby fat and not a beer gut and finally is my bald little boy on mom and dad's bed as happy as can be in his striped "100% Baby Boy" shirt.

What we have here is the most happy man, husband and dad all in one because he can hardly believe that he "is" actually a dad, and sometimes has to pinch himself to make sure it is not a dream.
To look at this boy; who is my son, and think that this eternal soul was brought into this world by me (and my beautiful wife of course), is absolutely mind blowing. To think that his life, well-being and soul are under my care is humbling to say the least.

It is positively true that overwhelming love permeates your being when your child is brought into this world and they are yours. Think about that.......God gave us the unique and marvelous gift, this grand responsibility of bringing an eternal soul into existence. A soul that will either end up in Heaven or hell, Sheol or Shamayim, that is heavy duty!
I think that is why God is so serious about the covenant of marriage and the importance of family, why God has given us His commandments and the torah, His law.

Anyways, I went on a rabbit trail there but this is the most transformational event that has ever happened to me in my life.

Lastly, here are Dad and Lucas, reading "Goodnight Moon." As you can see, Lucas is enthralled by with this read and it seems he really likes to be read too. Look how he is captivated by the illustrations and how he is hanging by every word that is read off the page.
But really, isn't this the cutest thing you have ever seen. Like I said at the beginning, I would try to get more cute and more cute and I think I have found success.
Looking at my little man soaking up some dad time has me relishing in Fatherhood.
It don't get much better than this.

So, until next time, "Live long and prosper".

A New Saga of Lucastastic

A New Saga of Lucastastic

This is Lucas at our small group Superbowl party giving a big healthy smile.

And here is the cutest little sleeping boy.

Here are Grandma Cox, The "What you lookin' at Willis" Lucas stare, and his cousin Damien holding him at his house where the Soto Family gathered for a pleasant day.

Here are Aunt Cheryl, Cousins Bailey, Courtney and Kiara with Baby Lucas while sporting his cool little shoes that he wore for the first time EVER in his life. Also, Grandma Cox is holding him in the middle picture as well as Cousins Bailey and Courtney with Cousin Erin on the end.

Here are the last pictures and they are Cousin Bailey and Cousin Courtney with Baby Lucas holding him all by them selves. Also, here is the white hair of Grandpa Soto, the Cousins and the Ultimate wife and mother holding the little tyke.

This is just a little post to show some of Lucas' outings in the past week and more posts will be soon to come. Get ready for an amazing video in which Lucas speaks on cue as well as Lucas with dad reading a "Goodnight" book. Until then, Be Blessed.
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