The Splendid Sedona Venture

Come forth and read about the spectacular trip to Sedona that was taken by Adrienne Rose Sotomayor, Cassandra Beth Steele and the one and only "Baby Soto", as the moniker given by Auntie Cassie.
A first and introductory venture was had by Cassie and Lucas to Sedona and it seemed that they both had the most wonderful time enjoying the magnificent scenery that screams the Glory of God, and the air is always clean, fresh and easy on the lungs.
Above are some scenery pictures of Sedona, Arizona; which is actually the residence of the 2008 Republican Candidate for President, John McCain, and as you can see from above, the little eccentric town has much to offer in the way of the Red Rocks, trolleys and a great downtown shopping strip.
Anyways, back to the venture had by my lovely wife shown in the picture below as she is relaxingly holding my sweet and special son, little baby Lucas. I so appreciate this picture because it just shows that connection that my son and wife have. To add upon that, my wife stepped right in on motherhood and has not missed a beat yet. I openly praise her for the awe-inspiring job that she has done, is doing and will continue to do.
Listen up now.........
We have two videos for your viewing pleasures, one of them is produced, narrated, directed, shot by Adrienne and the other with all the same frills by Cassie; who was my beautiful wife's maid of honor in our wedding.
So, I hope you enjoy because I know I did and as always more to come in the...
"Days of Future Past"
Little Bear Sweater Baby
This is my little baby bear sweater boy. This is a priceless shot. I used a little artistic flair to make it a bit more dreamy. Hope it isn't to Avant Garde.
Although, here is another picture with this same bear hoodie sweater that G'Ma Phillips got for Baby Lucas. Notice that darling facial expression that says it all.
Before I go, Here is a video of his first bear hoodie sweater experience. Let me tell you that it was exhilirating for all involved, especially me.
To conclude this Baby Lucas broadcast, I would like to share that this amazing little boy is the tops. Not only do I have my beautiful and magnificent wife to come home to, but I start to be pleasantly marauded with thoughts of excitement about getting to be able to come home to my cute little boy and that I get to just hold him in my arms and stare at him for as long as I would want to. That this little man is born of my flesh and that he will come to call me "Papa." He will look for me to provide for him, to protect him from anything evil or hurtful in anyway towards him; to teach him the ways of God and show him what his true identity is in Him. I will be able to show him how to enter the secret code for 30 lives in the Nintendo game "Contra" of Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start and he will be amazed at how good I am at it. I will be his role model and who he looks to in order to define what an authentic man is and should be. I will be a friend and a listening ear when he needs it and I will always love him no matter what and discipline him with that love even when it is tough, because I love him so much.
Anyhow, mere words cannot describe and give credit to the feelings and thoughts one have towards their children and I presume that there will never be enough words to do so accurately.
Here is one more picture before I say "Q.E.D."

Smiling Happy Baby Lucas Arthur the Little Boy in Blue

Lucas Arthur Sotomayor is finally here. After much waiting, praying and hoping, he arrived into this world a bit early but lovingly welcomed nonetheless. He took his first breath in Paradise Valley Hospital at 4:59 pm and weighing in at 5 lbs and 3 ozs.

Here is a video when he first came out:
The Sotomayor Clan increased by one and Lucas is now the first next generation Soto heir to the kingdom of everything Soto. The firstborn male, and the heritage of his parents.
Since Lucas was a bit early, he had to stay in the Nursery at the hospital for a week with some great nurses as Adrienne and I stayed in the room down the hall from it.

We stayed in the hospital for a week and a half and were able to go home on January 1st, 2009.
Look at the length and size of this amazing boy's fingers and hands...These are instrument hands if I have ever seen them

Here is the little boy in blue a couple days after being in his new home with his proud mama and papa.

Here is a shot that my lovely bride Adrienne took that was just perfect as I was holding on to my son and sleeping with him in dear closeness. This will defineately be a keepsake and one for the scrapbooks. It brings me joy each time I see Lucas bundled in my arms.
We were so happy and blessed to have Auntie Kamille venture from Bellingham, Washington with her fully hair headed bundle of joytasticness, our precious niece, Cadence Evangelina.
Here are the mommies and their babies on the left and the newfound cousins on the right.

How great is that to see... We just hope and pray that the cousins; including Veronica who was hanging with Daddy Scellick while Kamille was down in Phoenix, to be close, feel and show love to one another like only family can.
Here is another picture of our little one in an awesome "Little Hero" outfit.
Here is a brilliant video of the the little tyke:
Lucas is an amazingly chill baby. He is very curious and looks all around when he is awake. He does sleep quite a bit but when he is alert, he is the cutest, most intriguing little person I have ever encountered in my life.
Here are a couple pics that Adrienne set and saved...

Anyways, I should probably end this because it took me two or three days to create this homage to my fabulously cute and lovable son Lucas Arthur Sotomayor.
More to come......