Blogging is Fun, especially when you have something to write about and today I do....
It is amazing that I am now a proud uncle of two beautiful nieces and one just arrived the other day. I can hardly believe that my sister Kamille is a mother twice over. One thing I know is that she has always been the more responsible one out of myself. She married an awesome man and I could not have picked a better guy out myself. He truly is a great guy and I respect him as a husband, father and a man. I want to just celebrate that our family is growing exponentially and will continue to do so in or around January, when my lovely bride delivers forth the first male in our family, and the first male heir to the Soto Kingdom. Not that there is all that much in the Soto Kingdom, it is still quite cool.So, I now have a brand new baby niece named Cadence Evangelina Scellick and I pray that she captures all that her name means in her life and personality. One thing I pine over is that I am not able to have more of a meaningful and just time worthiness relationship with my nieces and my sister and brother-in-law. I hope that someday we will be closer and our kids will be able to be very close and play with each other and like each other and want to be around each other. I think that would be just about the best thing for me. On becoming a dad, I still haven't been hit with the whole sack of potatoes. They say it does not hit the male counterpart until that actual delivery of the child and let me tell you that I can barely wait. One thing that is exciting though is that my mother, father and brother will be able to be a big part of my son's life being that they reside in the same city as my wife and I. I look forward to them playing a huge part in the first boy Soto heir!!! Also, as my parents grow older, I appreciate and love them more and more. However, I shudder at the fact that one day they may not be. Cursed be the day!!!Anyways, I wanted to blog, so I blogged. Good and hard I would say. If anyone actually even reads this other than my wife. Shalom uv'racha and Baruch ha Shem to all.
A man who is slow to anger, for the most part keeps his cool,
But a man who is quick tempered, is labeled as a fool.
A man who answers gently, can repel all kinds of wrath,
But a man who speaks harshly, travels a faulty path.
A man of wise discretion, makes him slow to rage,
But a man given to fury, locks himself in a cage.
A man of understanding, listens before he speaks,
But a man who answers hastily, knows not what he seeks.
Swift to hear and slow to speak proves a man is wise,
But a man devoid of the above, to himself he only lies.
Temper unbridled and thoughts irate have ruined many of men,
The final thought and inspiration: "I am sorry Adrienne."
When a candle as at the end of its wick, it struggles to stay lit.
It struggles to keep the flame flickering,
to keep it burning.
How do you keep that candle from going out, from dying on you?!
Well, in life, these trying times, can be hard, situations can be overwhelming.
Even though you can have everything you need and a lot of stuff you want, it is strange to me that contentiousness can still escape you. I have read in an awesome book that you should "not grow weary in well doing, for in due season, you shall reap a harvest if you do not lose heart".
This wonderful insight is comforting, but how long is this "due season".
It seems to me sometimes in life you can all you have ever wanted but difficult times still befall you. Calamity and difficulties are trying to blow out your flame.
You see, I have learned that thought there may be a storm all around you, one can still have peace in this storm. Though the winds of life beat against you, ultimately, hope should drive you on and keep the flame flickering. "Fan the flame" I have learned to do just that. Sometimes all you have is the stirring up of yourself. I have to learn that the answer and remedy is within me. I have the power to be content with what life throws at you.
It is time to stand and fan the flame. Trials will come but I have the fuel to keep burning. "Wait on the Lord and He shall renew your strength". "You shall run and not grow weary, you shall walk and not grow faint".
Its these time that shape the very character of the person that is truly deep inside of you. When pressed its the character that exudes from within. I am living proof that you can be down but not out, spent but not broke, done but not finished!!!
I will leave with this.... "Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.
Well, help me to fully and truly trust in you, help me not to draw my own conclusions, to rely on my own thoughts. In everything, make me ask for guidance and council, in the smallest of things let me depend on You for the answer and encouragement, in this, I know you will always give me truth for insight, you shall guide me on my path.
My wick is seemingly at the end again but for just a season, this too will pass. My flame will burn ever on, it shall never be put out!!!