Synecdoche - A figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole, the whole for a part, the specific for the general, the general for the specific, or the material for the thing made from it. Enjoy, Cheers and Shalom!!!
Here is a video of a news story about a off-duty police officer who baked pot brownies and made a hilarious but idiotic 911 call because he thought he was dying. Score one for the law enforcement. Enjoy, Cheers and Shalom.
Here is my baby boy Lucas with his cool little orange knit hat on.
What an infectious smile my little man has. You cannot help but smile and smile when you glimpse at this Pic.
In a little yellow hoodie, my little man has the classic Sotomayor smile!
Madre and nino look great here in this picture. My wife is so beautiful and my son is so adorable!
And last but not least, here is the big boy in the sink, with a perplexed look on his face but I am aware that Lucas absolutely loves bath time.
The coolest thing about this picture is that I can start to see some hair growing in on his cute little head.
Oh how I miss him so and it is totally not fair that I am not able to see him grow up for these past months. Though I am angry, I am giving it to God because I know that I had the most major part to play in the consequences that are upon myself and my family.
I still cannot wait to be reunited with them if my wife still feels the same way.
Until next time, Enjoy, Cheers and Shalom Papa Willy Lucas, Baby L
Here is a classic tune from Crosby, Stills & Nash live from Woodstock. This was a suite of songs named after Steven Still's ex-girlfriend, singer/songwriter, Judy Collins. Collins is known for here piercing blue eyes. Enjoy, Cheers & Shalom.
Bueno and Hello, Thank you for visiting and taking a gander at my blog. Take a load off, get a glass of whole milk and savor it. Yes, you could maybe even freeze it and have a Milk Popcicle! Enjoy this site like you do your milk. My apologies for the lactose intolerant.