How Sweet It Is....
What a happy boy, don't you think?....
He is one of the happiest babies I think I have ever seen or known. You say I might be partial because he is my son and you know what?.....
You are probably right, but that does not negate the fact that he is such a sweet, happy, smart and cute little baby boy.
Below is his Grandma Cox with Sweet Little Baby Lucas. You can obviously see how happy Lucas is to be with her. You cannot help but smile when you see this little boy smile at you. It truly brightens your dullest and melancholy of days.
Grandma Cox lives in Mesa, Arizona and she seems to have a special relationship with her one and only Grandson. Sweet Baby Lucas always seems to talk up a storm with Grandma Cox. It is like they always have an in depth conversation together. They simply love each other and each others company. Lucas loves his Grandma Cox so much as you can see in the picture below.

The Sotomayor Clan always has good times with one another.
Here is Papa Willy and Sweet Baby Lucas posing for a picture.
This cute little man loves Papa's lap. Baby Lucas feels safe and secure and is usually always cheerful and happy when he is cradled there. However, when Lucas gets tired, even the Papa's lap will not do.
He is one of the happiest babies I think I have ever seen or known. You say I might be partial because he is my son and you know what?.....
You are probably right, but that does not negate the fact that he is such a sweet, happy, smart and cute little baby boy.
Below is his Grandma Cox with Sweet Little Baby Lucas. You can obviously see how happy Lucas is to be with her. You cannot help but smile when you see this little boy smile at you. It truly brightens your dullest and melancholy of days.
Grandma Cox lives in Mesa, Arizona and she seems to have a special relationship with her one and only Grandson. Sweet Baby Lucas always seems to talk up a storm with Grandma Cox. It is like they always have an in depth conversation together. They simply love each other and each others company. Lucas loves his Grandma Cox so much as you can see in the picture below.

The Sotomayor Clan always has good times with one another.
Here is Papa Willy and Sweet Baby Lucas posing for a picture.
This cute little man loves Papa's lap. Baby Lucas feels safe and secure and is usually always cheerful and happy when he is cradled there. However, when Lucas gets tired, even the Papa's lap will not do.
So, enter Mama Adrienne. She is by far, the best Momma this side of the Mississippi.
She truly has a mother's touch that can soothe and relax our little man like no other.
Sometimes, I just gaze from afar at Mama and Baby Lucas as he looks up at her. I can see the love in his eyes and the adoration that he has for her.
Even though you cannot see the whole of Momma Adrienne, Lucas' look says enough
One more happy family shot of the Sotomayor Clan....
Here is a little baby tongue that Lucas likes to sport. He learning how to do new things all the time. Right now he likes to kick with his feet and rock himself back. It is hilarious to see him learn how to control his motions and body. I love the sounds that he makes and the experimentation that he tries with his little vocalizations. He is absolutely the Sweetest, Cutest, Baby Boy in the world. I love him to pieces.
That is all for now but I plan to be more consistent in the updating of this blog. Although nobody really reads this anyways, it is just plumb fun to do.
Shalom Shabbat!!!!