The Lovable Lucas

Here is the Lovable Lucas with his favorite Tigger toy that he carries with him everywhere that he may go. I asked for a surreal pose from him and he gave me this masterpiece. He really knows how to work the camera, don't you think?

In this picture, I asked him to give me a look with attitude and he threw out a bit of a Punk Rock Elvis pose per the snarled lip. I tell you, this boy really knows his stuff.

Now in this photo, I gave him the direction to pose in an "Out Loud" sort of look, so as you can plainly see, Lucas gave the battle cry yell look. The coolest point in all this picture he wanted me to add were the blue socks and hat. That was his touch of course.

Lucas and I got a little artsy with this one. Notice the beatlesque pose by him. At such an early age, I am beginning to think he is a prodigy of some sorts.

This is where he got a bit hungry and decided to munch on Tigger's tail. I did ask him to surprise me with this shot though, and he did exactly that.

The pic to the left signifies Lucas' shy side as I asked him to show me and the pic to the right was a "Just look cool dude". Could he be any cooler?!!

This last one was a dreamy picture in which he has his awesome derby on. A prodigy I tell you!!!
Well, we have come to the end of "The Lovable Lucas" blog and the great poses he gave me as a result of this photo shoot. He is so darn Lovable!!
See you next time.....