Willy 2.0

Redeeming the Time for the Days are Evil


Slow to Anger

A man who is slow to anger, for the most part keeps his cool,
But a man who is quick tempered, is labeled as a fool.
A man who answers gently, can repel all kinds of wrath,
But a man who speaks harshly, travels a faulty path.

A man of wise discretion, makes him slow to rage,
But a man given to fury, locks himself in a cage.
A man of understanding, listens before he speaks,
But a man who answers hastily, knows not what he seeks.

Swift to hear and slow to speak proves a man is wise,
But a man devoid of the above, to himself he only lies.
Temper unbridled and thoughts irate have ruined many of men,
The final thought and inspiration: "I am sorry Adrienne."


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